Make Noise & Beauty on July 28, a Day of Creativity for Ashraf Fayadh


An open letter from poet-activist Mona Kareem and ArabLit editor M Lynx Qualey:

“Everything has weight.
Your weight is well known to the back walls
because your heavy shadow doesn’t give the asphalt, the paint,
or the writings stuck on the windows a chance to appear.
You also have space, significant space,
in the void.” – Ashraf Fayadh

Dear editors, writers, artists, friends:

13620856_1254063114612334_3955877283984768615_nOn Thursday, July 28, writers, artists, journalists, and bloggers around the world will be composing tweets, blogs, verse, videos, images, and more in support of the Palestinian poet and artist Ashraf Fayadh, sentenced to death last November in Saudi Arabia for his poetry, which accusers claimed “spread atheism,” among other things. His death sentence was repealed this February, following worldwide protests. He was re-sentenced to eight years and 800 lashes.

Writers and artists around the world — including Wole Soyinka, Orhan Pamuk, and Adonis —…

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3 responses to “Make Noise & Beauty on July 28, a Day of Creativity for Ashraf Fayadh”

  1. Marianna, perchè non celebriamo la Giornata con una antologia di scritti di Circolo 16 sulla “Poesia imbavagliata e le libertà soffocate”? Io dedicherò una poesia, ognuno dedichi un suo scritto, una recensione su libri e scritti inerenti, ecc. Va bene siamo in ferie, ma è una libertà vigillata….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. io la mia poesia l’ho composta. Te la mando nella mail privata. Se pensi che possa andar bene, mi piacerebbe proporla anche in inglese, quindi dovresti “traslarla” . la manderò anche a Eugenio e agli altri insieme a questi due commenti per aprire se lo ritiene l’Antologia su Circolo 16 “Giornata internazionale della creatività a sostegno di Ashraf Fayadh” Ciao amica mia.


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